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Is It Time To Finally Accept The Communist Beliefs?


If there’s one thing that America is scared of turning into.. it would be turning themselves and the country into the ideas and beliefs of communism. If America turns into the THAT then wow.. our image to the rest of the world will see the US as a superpower country with no fear and will be even more crueler to everyone below us and we might change our stars and strips flag to a scary big red flag! We all know what a red flag means right? At least to my knowledge it will signify as that flag being a part of the communist party.

Anyways! I sense know there will a problem of the idea of communism in the USA because I know for a fact that nobody would want it and we as a country don’t want to be turned into a communist party because we are better then that! There’s more to why Americans wouldn’t want their country be almost the same to a familiar enemy who has a big red flag and a nail and a hammer in their flag (talking about Russia here people!) who in the right mind would want to be like them right?! NO ONE. And also because if you’re a communist supported then the government will steal you in your sleep and you will never be heard of again because our government hates the commies and don’t want an infiltrator in their soil as they might want to spread the ideas and beliefs. As I said there’s plenty of reasons but lets get into my part were I say LETS TURN INTO A COMMUNIST COUNTRY!

Why you may definitely ask? Well for a fact Americans always ask for a better/higher pay raise saying that they don’t have enough money to live by themselves and wanting to buy a house or maybe a car or anything they desire! Where I live in California almost a year ago there was a protest called “Fight for $15” were protesters got together and were demanding the minimum pay raise to be raised higher than the current wage. Everyone will always be wanting a higher pay raise because they want to buy whatever they want. If you are going to protest to the California government then demand a higher minimum wage! what makes those idiots choose $15 right? HA just kidding. That will just cause inflation and it will! I will be affected because I live in California and therefore I will experience inflation for the second time again, but this time as an adult and not a kid who had to see my parents suffer the  economy crash and inflation back in 2008. Back to my reasons.. If don’t know the communist ideas and beliefs then I’ll give you the key points and a quick little summary. Back at Russia it’s going great for the commies over there, inflation is incredibly low and everything is going smooth with the economy (inflation is low) and no one is complaining about their friend or neighbor having a higher pay raise than them. Fun fact, a idea/beliefs is that everyone gets paid EQUALLY no matter who you work for or your background. Doesn’t that sound great? And plus isn’t Americans all for equality for all? Now I provided you one reason!

Once America accepts that part then they will have to understand the other beliefs such as no private ownership and a centralized government; the party will control everything. Americans most probably hate that idea but if they fully understand it’s purpose then things will change for the better. Think about it.. no one is left behind and you will be taken care of and the party will make sure that things don’t go off track with the economy, politics, and society.


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